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Mise à jour Coronavirus 18-03-2020

Le post d’hier est ici.
Le bilan chiffré et les cartes d’hier sont ici
Merci pour tous les messages hier, et aujourd’hui !
Si vous connaissez des liens pour proposer des services d’aides aux personnes âgées et fragiles, aux soignants, aux personnes qui travaillent, est-ce que vous pourriez les poster en lien que je fasse une liste?
Il y a actuellement 199 000 cas dans le monde. Le nouvel épicentre de l’épidémie est l’Europe, et notamment la vieille Europe. Edit: il est 14 heures et il y a maintenant plus de 204 000 cas. Edit: il est 22h30, et il y a maintenant 217 000 cas recensés.
Hier, la Belgique a aussi décidé de son confinement. D’après les rumeurs, New York sera confinée d’ici 48 heures. Les casinos ont fermé à Las Vegas.
En Italie, les chiffres sont toujours très impressionnants: 31 506 cas (+3526) et 2503 décès (+345). La situation est catastrophique à Bergamo, où les hôpitaux sont saturés. Il y a pourtant une bonne nouvelle: dans les régions où le confinement a été mis en place de manière précoce, le nombre de nouveaux cas diminue. Au niveau national, même si c’est occulté par l’énormité des chiffres, on peut voir que cela commence à se tasser aussi. L’Italie est en bonne voie. Il faut savoir qu’ils publient plein de données, et aident vraiment à comprendre le phénomène, donnent plein d’infos précieuses aux autres pays. J’espère que personne ne l’oubliera.
En Espagne, la situation est aussi difficile. Il y avait hier 11178 cas (+1236) et 491 décès (+149).
En France, la situation est catastrophique dans le Haut-Rhin. Des patients commencent à être évacués vers d’autres hôpitaux. Il semble qu’un tri ait été mis en place. Depuis hier la réa est saturée.
Il y a plus de cas détectés en Île de France que dans le Grand Est. Hier, l’exode des parisiens (et dans d’autres métropoles) a continué. Les gares ont été prises d’assaut.
Chez moi, le confinement, c’est pas gagné : il y a un jardin non visible depuis la rue, je n’y ai jamais vu autant de monde (gamins, famille qui joue au badminton, gars qui font des étirements, petites vieilles qui lisent sur les bancs...) qu’hier après-midi. Si les images des hôpitaux du Haut-Rhin fuitent, les gens prendront peut-être conscience de ce qui se passe. Incroyable ces comportements alors qu’on a conscience de ce qu’il se passe en Italie!
Niveau traitement, beaucoup de buzz autour de la chloroquine. Des infos que j’ai, le traitement marche et est utilisé avec succès en Chine, où il a bien fait chuter le taux de mortalité. Il y a cependant des ajustements à faire sur les dosages, à cause des effets secondaires chez certains patients.
De nouveaux députés ont été testés positifs. Je laisse cet article de la Provence ici, je conseille à chacun de le lire afin de se rendre compte de l’égalité des chances à la française.
Vous pouvez avoir des infos sur l’étude sur laquelle s’est appuyé le conseil scientifique pour rendre son avis ici .
Concernant la durée du confinement, personne ne croit aux 15 jours. Les optimistes parlent de 45 jours, les pessimistes jusqu’à l’été. De mon côté, l’info que j’ai est un pic prévu dans trois semaines si aucune mesure de confinement n’était mise en place. La donne a changé en positif avec la mise en place du confinement, en négatif après les débilités des citadins de ce week-end suivi de leur exode. Edit : la donne a changé sur le taux de mortalité, pas sur la durée du confinement comme on me l’a fait remarquer. Je m’égare à vouloir que ça dure le moins longtemps possible...
Au Royaume-Uni, Boris Johnson a annoncé que s’il y avait 20 000 morts ou moins, ce serait un bon résultat.
Partout dans le monde, des plans de soutien massifs à l’économie sont lancés. Il faut dire qu’entre les usines fermées, les gens au chômage, les compagnies aériennes qui menacent de faire faillite en mai, les inquiétudes sont grandes.
Au Japon, ils s’acharnent encore à vouloir organiser les JO (voir le communiqué ici ).
Aujourd’hui :
— Important et à communiquer à tous les inconscients qui laissent leurs gamins jouer en pensant qu’ils ne craignent rien: une nouvelle étude montre que 6% des enfants développent des symptômes sévères.
— Le DGS dit que la situation s’aggrave rapidement. 4000 tests aujourd’hui, 42 500 tests depuis le début de l’épidémie. 9134 cas (+1404), 3600 personnes hospitalisées , 931 cas graves. 264 (+89) décès - don’t 7% touché des personnes de -de 65 ans. Le bilan par région est ici . Il y a maintenant 2693 cas en Île de France, 2163 dans le Grand Est. Les autres régions sont sous les 1000 cas. La moitié des patients en réa ont moins de 60 ans.
— Il y a un projet de loi d’Etat d’Urgence Sanitaire . D’après l’AFP: « Le projet de loi d'urgence pour faire face au #covid_19 prévoit d'autoriser la déclaration d'un "état d'urgence sanitaire", permettant notamment de restreindre certaines libertés, selon ce texte obtenu par l' #AFP de source parlementaire. L'état d’urgence sanitaire "donne pouvoir au Premier ministre de prendre par décret pris sur le rapport du ministre chargé de la santé, les mesures générales limitant la liberté d’aller et venir, la liberté d’entreprendre et la liberté de réunion et permettant de procéder aux réquisitions de tout bien et services nécessaires afin de lutter contre la catastrophe sanitaire", détaille le texte. »
— Castaner au 20h de TF1.
— La Chine nous envoie un million de masques et du matériel médical (source)
— Je pense qu’on peut dire adieu aux marchés en plein air sous peu vu ce qu’il se passe à Barbès.
— Au niveau confinement : y’a pas plein de monde, mais il y a quand même des gens dans la rue (ca en fait beaucoup pour jogging/je vais bosseje vais faire les courses).Je vois passer les flics régulièrement. C’est simple: mis à part une voiture qu’ils ont contrôlée ce matin, je ne les vois contrôler personne. Je sais pas si chest spécifique à mon quartier, où bien ils ne contrôlent que quand il y a attroupement.
— Olivier Veran déclare qu’on peut espérer un ralentissement dans une douzaine de jours.
— Jean-Paul Hamon, le président de la fédération des médecins de France , est contaminé. Il explique la situation difficile dans son cabinet, car il n’est pas le seul à avoir été testé positif.
— Ricard va fournir de l’alcool pour produire les gels hydro alcooliques. LVMH a effectué ses premières livraisons aux hôpitaux.
— comme dans d’autres pays, il commence à y avoir des mutineries dans les prisons. Il y a eu un début à Grasse hier. . La situation est inquiétante à Fresnes, qui est surpeuplée et où cinq cas ont été détectés. En Italie, il y a eu des morts et des fugitifs. En Iran, pour éviter la propagation, 85 000 prisonniers ont été relâchés.
Études: voici l’avis de Nassim Nicholas Taleb sur l’étude utilisée par le conseil scientifique pour conseiller le gouvernement.
Voici un lien vers une discussion reddit intéressante sur la chloroquine. Tout n’est pas pertinent mais il y a pas mal d’infos et d’arguments.
Un autre traitement, le favipiravir, est considéré comme prometteur. . Ça ne marche que sur les cas sévères par contre.
Pour les traitements, je manque malheureusement de connaissances médicales...quand il y a pas mal de sources d’infos et un peu de recul je peux dire un peu ce qu’il en est, mais pas pour le reste désolée...
Article avec les chiffres sur les différences entre les régions mise en quarantaine très tôt en Italie et les régions avoisinantes non mise en quarantaine.
Edit: ceci est un fake , c’est d’un goût douteux, mais j’ai pas pu m’empêcher de me marrer.
submitted by Knowonething to france [link] [comments]

List of all French brands to boycott due to French Anti-Islam polices.

List of all French products to boycott Major brands: * Accor * Activia * BNP Paribas * Air France * Bonne Maman * Bugatti Automobiles * Carrefour * Cartier (jeweler) * Chanel * Citroën * Clarins * Clear (shampoo) * Danone * Dior * Évian * Garnier * Hermès * Ibis (hotel) * Ibis Budget * Ibis Styles * Kenzo (brand) * L'Occitane en Provence * L'Oréal * Lion-Peugeot * Longchamp (company) * Christian Louboutin * Mercure (hotel) * Michelin * Perrier * Peugeot * Président (brand) * Renault * Sanofi * Sephora * Tefal * Total SE * Ubisoft * Volvic (mineral water) * Louis Vuitton * Waterman Pen Company * Yoplait * Yves Rocher (company) * Yves Saint Laurent (brand)
0–9 * 12 bis A * A.L.B (Watches) * A.P.C. * Accor * ACMAT * Activia * AG2R La Mondiale * Air Caraïbes * Air France * Aixam * Albingia * Alstom * Alter Eco * Amora (mustard) * Andros (company) * Anne Fontaine (brand) * Arc Holdings * Archos * Areva * Armand de Brignac * Arturia * AT Internet * Atari SA * Au Départ * Auchan * Dominique Aurientis * Automobiles Chatenet * Automobiles ERAD * Aux Etats-Unis * Axa B * Babolat * Baccarat (company) * Badoit * Balenciaga * Banania * B&B Hotels * Baron de Lestac * Beneteau * Betjeman & Barton * Bière de Garde * BNP Paribas * Bonnat Chocolates * Bonne Maman * Bookeen * Vera Borea * Boucheron * Bourjois * Bouygues Telecom * Brandt (brand) * Brasserie Thiriez * Bricomarché * Buffet Crampon * Bugatti Automobiles * BUT (retailer) C * Cacharel * CAMECA * Campingaz * Canson * Carambar * Carrefour * Carrefour Planet * Cartier (jeweler) * Groupe Casino * Castel Group * Castorama * Caudalie * Champagne Binet * Champagne Gauthier * Champagne Krug * Champagne Mercier * Dom Pérignon * Champagne Louis Nicaise * Chanel * Charles Heidsieck (Champagne) * Chaumet * Chloé * Chocolat Poulain * Christian Dior Ready-to-Wear runway collections * CIAT Group * CIJ * Citroën * Clarins * Clear (shampoo) * Clément Tyres * Club Med * CMA CGM * Comptoir des Cotonniers * Constellium * Courvoisier * Crédit Agricole * Crédit Industriel et Commercial * Crédit Mutuel * CS Communication & Systèmes D * S. T. Dupont * Dailymotion * Dane-Elec * Dangel * Daniel Hechter Paris * Danone * Dassault Group * Daum (studio) * De La Chapelle * Delair * Delbeck * Delsey * Derby (French car) * Dior * Total Direct Énergie * Dragon Bleu * Dufour Yachts * Duralex * Duralex Picardie E * Eisenberg Paris * Benoît-Pierre Emery * Engie * ESI Group * Essilor * EssilorLuxottica * Évian * Exagon Engineering F * Faiveley Transport * Fareva * Fauchon * Fauré Le Page * Faurecia * Fenocchio * Fenwick Groupe * Fine Champagne * Fnac * Focal-JMLab * Fragonard Parfumeur * Frapin * French Bee * Fromy, Rogée & Co G * Garnier * Gauloises * Gimar Montaz Mautino * Gini (soft drink) * Gitanes * Gitzo * Goyard * Grenoville * Grey Goose (vodka) * Groupama * Guerlain * Gunhild (clothing) H * Handpresso * Pierre Hardy (fashion designer) * Haulotte Group * Hennessy * Hermès * Hervé Chapelier * Jean-Paul Hévin * Hollywood Chewing Gum * Houbigant Parfum * Hutchinson SA I * Ibis (hotel) * Ibis Budget * Ibis Styles * Iliad SA * In'oya * Ingenico * Invoxia J * J. P. Chenet * Jeanneau * JOB (rolling papers) * Joon (airline) * Juery K * Kenzo (brand) * Keolis * Koenig (organ builder) * Kolibree * Kookai * Krampouz * Kréma * Kronenbourg Brewery L * L-ACOUSTICS * L'Occitane en Provence * L'Oréal * La Cornue * La Rochere * Laboratoires Expanscience * Laboratoires Pierre Fabre * Laboratoires Servier * LaCie * Christian Lacroix * Lactalis * Ladurée * Lafarge (company) * Lag (company) * Lalique * Lancel (company) * Lancôme * Lanvin (company) * Guy Laroche * Laster Technologies * Laurent-Perrier * Le Chameau * Le Coq Sportif * Le Zèbre
L * E.Leclerc * Legrand (company) * Léo Marciano * Leroy Merlin * Lestra * Level (airline brand) * Lion-Peugeot * Loft design by * Longchamp (company) * Christian Louboutin * Louis XIII (cognac) * Luneville Faience * Lyreco M * Mainbocher * Maison Devambez * Maison Maquet * Majorette (toy manufacturer) * Make Up For Ever * Malabar (chewing gum) * Malesan * Malletier * Manitou Group * Maped * Marais (company) * Marigaux * Marithé et François Girbaud * Maritima Ferries * Mavic * Mazars * Mazlo * MBK (Scooter manufacturer) * Melvita * Rodolphe Menudier * Mercure (hotel) * Michel Cluizel * Michelin * Microcar (brand) * Midual * Mir:ror * MobiWire * Moët & Chandon * Monoprix * Morabito (brand) * Motul (company) * Moulinex * Roland Mouret * Mouton Cadet * Moynat * MPM Motors * Murex (financial software) N * Nexans * Nidec Leroy-Somer * Niderviller pottery O * Orange S.A. P * Panzani * Parfums Givenchy * Parrot SA * Paule Ka * Pequignet * Perrier * Perrin Paris * Petrossian (business) * Peugeot * PGO (automobile) * Pinnacle vodka * Poclain * Poliakov (vodka) * Poma * Power Vehicle Innovation * Président (brand) * Promod * Pyral Q * Quadient * Quechua (brand) R * Radiall * Automobiles Rally * Red Bicyclette * Rémy Cointreau * Rémy Martin * Renault * Parapluie Revel * Nina Ricci (brand) * Rizla * Roady (Mousquetaires) * Rochas * Louis Roederer * Rorgue * Ruinart (Champagne) S * Salomon Group * Sanofi * Schneider Electric * Scorpa * Sennelier * Sephora * Septodont * Sescoi * SFR * SGC (wine) * Sixpack France * Skis Rossignol * SNCF * Société Bic * Société Générale * Sodemo Moteurs * Sodern * Soitec * Solairedirect * Solar Euromed * Solex Carburetor * Solido * Staub (cookware) * Suez Environnement T * Technal * Tecnifibre * Tefal * Thiers Issard * Three Barrels * Total SE * Transdev * Trekking sarl U * Ubisoft * Emanuel Ungaro V * Valeo * Vallérysthal * Valrhona * Vandoren * VéloSoleX * Vergnet * Veuve Clicquot * Vicat * Vilebrequin * Vivendi * Roger Vivier * Volvic (mineral water) * Voxan * Louis Vuitton W * Waterman Pen Company * Wiko * Winoa Y * Yema (watch) * Yoplait * Yves Rocher (company) * Yves Saint Laurent (brand) Z * Zig-Zag (company) * Zodiac Aerospace
submitted by Mega_whale to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223 has finally arrived, and what a release it is – there’s definitely something for everyone! Starting with some of the more esoteric additions, Linus Åkesson’s AVR-based hardware chiptune project and Power Ninja Action Challenge demos are now supported. These demos use minimal hardware to generate sound and/or video, relying on precise CPU timings to work. With this release, every hand-held LCD game from Nintendo’s Game & Watch and related lines is supported in MAME, with Donkey Kong Hockey bringing up the rear. Also of note is the Bassmate Computer fishing aid, made by Nintendo and marketed by Telko and other companies, which is clearly based on the dual-screen Game & Watch design. The steady stream of TV games hasn’t stopped, with a number of French releases from Conny/VideoJet among this month’s batch.
For the first time ever, games running on the Barcrest MPU4 video system are emulated well enough to be playable. Titles that are now working include several games based on the popular British TV game show The Crystal Maze, Adders and Ladders, The Mating Game, and Prize Tetris. In a clear win for MAME’s modular architecture, the breakthrough came through the discovery of a significant flaw in our Motorola MC6840 Programmable Timer Module emulation that was causing issues for the Fairlight CMI IIx synthesiser. In the same manner, the Busicom 141-PF desk calculator is now working, thanks to improvements made to Intel 4004 CPU emulation that came out of emulating the INTELLEC 4 development system and the prototype 4004-based controller board for Flicker pinball. The Busicom 141-PF is historically significant, being the first application of Intel’s first microprocessor.
Fans of classic vector arcade games are in for a treat this month. Former project coordinator Aaron Giles has contributed netlist-based sound emulation for thirteen Cinematronics vector games: Space War, Barrier, Star Hawk, Speed Freak, Star Castle, War of the Worlds, Sundance, Tail Gunner, Rip Off, Armor Attack, Warrior, Solar Quest and Boxing Bugs. This resolves long-standing issues with the previous simulation based on playing recorded samples. Colin Howell has also refined the sound emulation for Midway’s 280-ZZZAP and Gun Fight.
V.Smile joystick inputs are now working for all dumped cartridges, and with fixes for ROM bank selection the V.Smile Motion software is also usable. The accelerometer-based V.Smile Motion controller is not emulated, but the software can all be used with the standard V.Smile joystick controller. Another pair of systems with inputs that now work is the original Macintosh (128K/512K/512Ke) and Macintosh Plus. These systems’ keyboards are now fully emulated, including the separate numeric keypad available for the original Macintosh, the Macintosh Plus keyboard with integrated numeric keypad, and a few European ISO layout keyboards for the original Macintosh. There are still some emulation issues, but you can play Beyond Dark Castle with MAME’s Macintosh Plus emulation again.
In other home computer emulation news, MAME’s SAM Coupé driver now supports a number of peripherals that connect to the rear expansion port, a software list containing IRIX hard disk installations for SGI MIPS workstations has been added, and tape loading now works for the Specialist system (a DIY computer designed in the USSR).
Of course, there’s far more to enjoy, and you can read all about it in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page. (For brevity, promoted V.Smile software list entries and new Barcrest MPU4 clones made up from existing dumps have been omitted here.)

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Merged pull requests

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223 has finally arrived, and what a release it is – there’s definitely something for everyone! Starting with some of the more esoteric additions, Linus Åkesson’s AVR-based hardware chiptune project and Power Ninja Action Challenge demos are now supported. These demos use minimal hardware to generate sound and/or video, relying on precise CPU timings to work. With this release, every hand-held LCD game from Nintendo’s Game & Watch and related lines is supported in MAME, with Donkey Kong Hockey bringing up the rear. Also of note is the Bassmate Computer fishing aid, made by Nintendo and marketed by Telko and other companies, which is clearly based on the dual-screen Game & Watch design. The steady stream of TV games hasn’t stopped, with a number of French releases from Conny/VideoJet among this month’s batch.
For the first time ever, games running on the Barcrest MPU4 video system are emulated well enough to be playable. Titles that are now working include several games based on the popular British TV game show The Crystal Maze, Adders and Ladders, The Mating Game, and Prize Tetris. In a clear win for MAME’s modular architecture, the breakthrough came through the discovery of a significant flaw in our Motorola MC6840 Programmable Timer Module emulation that was causing issues for the Fairlight CMI IIx synthesiser. In the same manner, the Busicom 141-PF desk calculator is now working, thanks to improvements made to Intel 4004 CPU emulation that came out of emulating the INTELLEC 4 development system and the prototype 4004-based controller board for Flicker pinball. The Busicom 141-PF is historically significant, being the first application of Intel’s first microprocessor.
Fans of classic vector arcade games are in for a treat this month. Former project coordinator Aaron Giles has contributed netlist-based sound emulation for thirteen Cinematronics vector games: Space War, Barrier, Star Hawk, Speed Freak, Star Castle, War of the Worlds, Sundance, Tail Gunner, Rip Off, Armor Attack, Warrior, Solar Quest and Boxing Bugs. This resolves long-standing issues with the previous simulation based on playing recorded samples. Colin Howell has also refined the sound emulation for Midway’s 280-ZZZAP and Gun Fight.
V.Smile joystick inputs are now working for all dumped cartridges, and with fixes for ROM bank selection the V.Smile Motion software is also usable. The accelerometer-based V.Smile Motion controller is not emulated, but the software can all be used with the standard V.Smile joystick controller. Another pair of systems with inputs that now work is the original Macintosh (128K/512K/512Ke) and Macintosh Plus. These systems’ keyboards are now fully emulated, including the separate numeric keypad available for the original Macintosh, the Macintosh Plus keyboard with integrated numeric keypad, and a few European ISO layout keyboards for the original Macintosh. There are still some emulation issues, but you can play Beyond Dark Castle with MAME’s Macintosh Plus emulation again.
In other home computer emulation news, MAME’s SAM Coupé driver now supports a number of peripherals that connect to the rear expansion port, a software list containing IRIX hard disk installations for SGI MIPS workstations has been added, and tape loading now works for the Specialist system (a DIY computer designed in the USSR).
Of course, there’s far more to enjoy, and you can read all about it in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page. (For brevity, promoted V.Smile software list entries and new Barcrest MPU4 clones made up from existing dumps have been omitted here.)

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Merged pull requests

submitted by cuavas to MAME [link] [comments]

A little chronology

1930-Birth of Xavier's mother, Geneviève DDL in Versailles
1931-birth of xavier's father, Hubert DDL in Senlis
1955-they get married and settle in Cannes. Hubert is an aeronautical engineer.In September 1957,The couple had their first child, Véronique. But Geneviève, who has always been fragile and introvert, could not bear the distance from her family wanted to return to Versailles to be closer to her parents. They settled at 50 rue du Maréchal-Foch.
1960The mother of the murderer had created a prayer group called ′′ Philadelphia ′′.
January 20 1960-birth of Xavier DDL
1966-Birth of Christine DDL.
1972-Hubert starts an affair with his secretary, Catherine, and left home around 1972 .
1974-Xavier and Emmanuel Teneur meet for the first time on island Brehat. Emmanuel is 14 and Xavier is 13.
In late 70s both of them will become part of a prayer group Xavier's mother founded.
-Xavier's father, Hubert goes to Ivory Coast with his mistress.
-Xavier is doing small jobs, handling etc. To soon he wants to be a husband and a father, he reconnects with Agnes Hodanger a girl from good family he met in High School.
-Agnes and Xavier get engaged at ages 20 and 21. During the summer of his engagement Xavier meets a german girl, Claudia. Tall, blonde a camping model. He falls in love with her and leaves Agnes. Agnes returns to Versailles alone meanwhile Xavier travels between Hanover and Versaiiles.
Agnes was miserable first the break up with Xavier, later her mother's cancer and death. Agnes focuses on her job as typing secretary and devotes her free time to her father and brothers. To forget about Xavier she focuses on a new man, a waiter working in a bar not far away from her home, she gets pregnant and gives birth to a boy, Arthur in July 1990. The waiter will not accept the kid as his and will leave her.
Meanwhile Xavier goes to the south, first he goes to Aix-en-Provence. He is finally free. He joined Véronique who lives in Draguignan. Emmanuel Teneur is of course with him. He was hired as a commercial by Société des fertilisers Monnot (SEM), where he sold garden equipment for the PACA region. That's where he meets Michel Retif, also commercial. Michel is opposite of Emmanuel. Adventurers, womanizer,outgoing. They become best friends quickly. They both love USA.
1989-Xavier is fired from SEM. He is single and free. Him and Michel are going to the USA. Finally they will go to America 3 times. They apparently visited 48 out of 50 states. First trip is founded by their unemployment benefit. For the following, they invent a combine. When they return to France, they bring back American vehicles, those Cadillac's and Ford Mustang's which always fascinated Xavier, to resell them with a significant margin. Both friends plan to extend the adventure, this time in New Caledonia, where Xavier's other cousin works as a banker for Crédit Agricole. And then one day. Xavier suddenly announces to Michel that he cancels everything. Passing through Versailles, he saw Agnes again. This one is pregnant with a baby boy. Xavier leaves his freedom and plans and decides to go back to France to take care of pregnant Agnes.
They will be married in 1992 (or September 1991). Emmanuel Teneur becomes a godfather of couples first child, Thomas.
1994-Birth of Anne.
1995-The apocalypse that Xavier's mother was prophesying. Christine sleeps with every single male member of the prayer group. After the apocalypse doesn't happen. Xavier's older sister leaves France.
July 4th 1995-ex member of prayer group sends documents about prayer group to a lawyer of Montpellier.
1997-Birth of Benoit.
-Agnès having lost both parents inherits 3,000,000 Francs, ie 400,000 € (cash, securities, real estates)
-Family vacations in the USA.
-Start of the Commercial Route.
-Rent of a pretty villa with swimming pool in Pornic.
-The family moved to the USA. ( children enrolled in school, Nov 2002 Aug 2003 the family lives at the Little Inn by the Sea Motel, LAUDERDALE usa)
Family moves to Nantes.
Beginning of financial problems. Agnes' inheritance is slowly finishing.
Agnes is gaining lots of weight. She also starts a romance with Michel. She complains on online forums about her marriage etc.
Ending of the year is a spiral of failures for Xavier.
Agnes and Xavier seperate in July one of the reason was Agnes refusing to give Xavier the rest of her money. Also Xavier punches(?) Arthur . Agnes fills a complain to the police. She loses 20 kilograms (around 44 pounds)
March 2005- Massage between Emmanuel and Xavier ''captain and his sailboat returned to the boat''(after the investigation Emmanuel says that Xavier was the one who knew where his will is)
October 2005-Xavier comes back home to the family.
December 2005- Agnes still has an affair with Xavier's friend. Xavier writes an open letter to the family, that makes him look innocent, he didn't cheat, he wasn't violent etc. Xavier also writes resentment to Michel.
January-Xavier puts Agnes under pressure and she confesses to having an affair. She said that this thing was only virtual.
Xavier starts trio with Michel. He also starts humiliating Agnes even more because she decided to go back to traditional church.
22 Feb. 2006-Agnes' e-mail to Claudia “you are the only girl Xav really loved a long time after me".
March 17 xddl “hello pigs” to Agnès and MR… how to measure penis. ((His is obviously competent!))
DEC 25, 2006 XAV writes about his loss of faith. While Agnes reconnects with the traditional Church. Big disagreement.
Xav lists the faults of Agnes ("totally impatient and intolerant of everyone" "Arthur Anne and him in particular").
MARCH 15, 2007 XAV writes to Agnès: "I would spend my days cursing you () and suspecting you"
APRIL 24, 2007 Agnès believes XAV is still under the thumb of his mother, he reassures her.
Agnès worried about the hold of CDDL and GDDL on Xav talks about it to her prayer group in Nantes.
August 2007- Xavier basically robs Emmanuel of 6000 euros and his family jewelry.
To his ex-mistress he had said: "if you give me 1,000,000 I will leave everything"
Agnes is obese and depressed. Her therapist tells her to divorce her husband.
Xavier writes to Vero about how he lost his faith. He fills files / his reflections, exegesis etc. ((His mother Geneviève has a whole cupboard full of Files with articles etc. on ALL kinds of SUBJECTS)).
Agnes working part-time: 500 Euros per month AGNES Ericksonian therapy, homeopathy, osteopath "visionary of the brain" ... she joins several prayer groups
February 2009, xddl finds Catherine V
APRIL 21, meeting CV, relationship begins, romantic weekend, Relais et Chateaux, xav pays.
from MAY xav talks about his company, to convince her / his CRYSTAL project, CV accountants say: not viable
CV nevertheless yields 50,000 EUROS on JUNE 3, 2009, cashed on June 9.
- July, CV presents Xavier to her friends / birthdays. Dinner with her brother.
50,000 cashed on JUNE 9, June 12 golf cabriolet gift to AGNES, and tour of the grand dukes ALONE in cities with casinos, Deauville, La Baule, Dinard (August), xddl writes checks to all creditors. At the end of 2009, nothing remains of the 50,000. He must repay the 50,000 on July 3, 2010. In June he tries to soften it "drop of water for you". End of summer CV confides in friends. OCTOBER XAV ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING NOTHING INVESTED, he just used money to repay his debts. And paid for the hotel when they were together! With the mistress's money! CV cuts her contact with him.
Philadelphia reveals the miracle of Saint Christ. CDDL: “Jesus wants us to ACT, Jesus' next offensive will be through the internet!” -> Xav writes on CC* every night ...
-Dec 27, 2009 computer distribution of the "Libretto of St Christ."
Xavier is banned on CC. He creates another account.
2nd report against the sect, reveals that the group is still active, renewed activity for years, Bertram took over from his father as chief financial officer, pays the gddl bills. XDDL then approaches the group, also registered on CC, still interested in THEOLOGY, consults Bertram by email. AGNES worried / grip of gddl on xddl, FEAR.
January 2010 last meeting XDDL CV. She talks about a lawyer ...
Letter to his mistress Catherine. While he has to repay Catherine's loan: 50,000, suicide blackmail letter: his "current life" will end in a few months if he does not find 25,000 immediately.
04/29/2010-Xddl connects to Cité Catholique to discuss the need for sacrifices, and revives the conversation for a month.
Xddl to CV, talks about "burning the family", to the lawyer: "bankruptcy, insolvent, homeless soon"
-05/07/2010-Visit of a bailiff mandated by the mistress of Xddl (Catherine), with a view to foreclosure on her income. He was due to repay on July 3.
Family vacations near Montpellier at MR (except Arthur).
end of August / September: (Letter from Xddl to Michel and Emmanuel evoking individual or “collective” suicide already mentioned in the letter to his mistress of January 14, 2010.And instructions for afterwards (Dispositions.doc). Letter titled: "Ligonnès family issues and perspectives (absence of ...)"
September 17th-Anne takes letter from bailiff she's still in her pj's.
NOV 10 2010 conversation on FB Anne + Agnès // death "the most perfect form of existence" according to Agnès.
(Agnès on antidepressants and anxiolytics for several months at the time of her death, but no suicidal tendency, projects, commitments, ex. full-time job from Sept 2011)
At the start of 2011, a big contract ... did not happen.
Death of the Count of Hubert Dupont de Ligonnès. (Heart attack. Xav withdraws up to 6,700 euros from his father's accounts ). End of January Father's rifle found, reconstituted, revised and repaired by the director of TIR. XAV DRINKS A LOT!
Xddl applies for a shooting license
Xavier takes his family for farewell visits to the family.
February 25 a friend commits suicide at 53 / debt / professional failure, 5 children, Xav very shocked.
1 month before murders, husband of a friend of vddl who committed suicide, Baron, Versailles, 53 years old, 5 children, debts / model family in vddl's eyes. Xddl: "it's abominable, monster, to leave children and wife ALIVE, with nothing to live on", 3 years later the wife also dies at 53 years old.
- Xav and Benoit at funeral mass in La Rochelle, 1 witness will go on June 4 and 21 to testify to the police // child trembling in all his limbs, crying a lot, Xav shows him stained glass resurrection, crying which redoubles, the witness wants give water to B. refusal of Xav!
Purchase of silencer and ammunition
March Emmanuel Teneur: xav shoots in his garden / balloon, with the 22 silenced, Emmanuel tries out the weapon ((lies to the police when he claims to have never seen the weapon in operation)).
03/15/2011 Xav / family / Versailles: "farewell" visit,
MARCH 2011 xddl recontacts Catherine R, see you in Chamonix week of 12/4? Coincidence, “xddl” saw Nice car rental company where a “Catherine R” rented 1 car… Disambiguation. CR, strange message on 5/20, from a stranger, Philippe Steiner, profile deleted before his reply
Xddl prints Non-Pledge Certificates for Agnès Golf and Arthur's Xantia.
Brigitte L / prayer group, sees Agnès for the last time, very anxious. Heavy threats. Nothing about Xav's possible suicidal tendency.
Agnès asked to pray for them // threats received, the witness is thinking of CDDL and GDDL !
Apparently in October 2011 someone complained of having discovered in the file these threats, which forced Agnès to change phone number and email.
April 2011
-Purchase of cement, rubble bags, spade. SO1: Orvault Castorama: 2 10KG prompt cement bags, 2 gray adhesive rolls, 12 extra reinforced 50L rubble bags, a Lorraine hoe, a spade)
Emmanuel sees Xddl in the company of his 2 sons at the shooting range for the last time, an appointment taken for baptism of shooting offered by E, scheduled for April 9.
-Xddl sends 1 second letter to his mistress Catherine V: personal letter / Australia, he accuses her of having screwed up their relationship, "her money" makes her paranoid, (cf. letter of contrition from Agnes, same spirit) "no one will find me". ((Catherine received this final letter from Xavier on 9 April 2011, which means it must have been posted 3 or 4 Apr. ??
2/04/2011 Saturday
-Purchase of quicklime by xddl (SO1 4 bags, Xav also buys stamps and fills up GASOLINE).
Benoit spends the night at his friends house, comes back in the morning for the mass.
Agnès / conference / autism 9 am-5:30pm in St Herblain, which contradicts the thesis of preparations for the big trip ((Reality of this presence of Agnes at this conference is doubtful ??))
7:07 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. ET calls xddl 5 times, talked together 43 minutes
ET calls xddl twice which does not respond to tel
Arthur ... at the pizzeria from 11 a.m. to 2:55 p.m
(Arthur told his friends he won't be available during weekend. Anne said to her friends something similar, on 5th of April Thomas supposedly received a text massage from his mother.For CDDL a proof that Agnes is alive! Because Xav on phone at the same time .... - as if he couldn't answer a text message on another phone ...))
4 p.m. return of Agnès and Anne ((return from where ??))
5pm Thomas goes back to Anger.
That night family goes to cinema and restaurant.
21st april the bodies are found.

I translated some points from this facebook group post . There is so much more points and information in there i just translated the ones that stuck to me the most. Feel free to point any mistakes i used a translator so some of the translations might be weird. I tried my best to correct them.
CC*-cite catolique
submitted by RiverJude7 to DupontDeLigonnes [link] [comments]

MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223 has finally arrived, and what a release it is – there’s definitely something for everyone! Starting with some of the more esoteric additions, Linus Åkesson’s AVR-based hardware chiptune project and Power Ninja Action Challenge demos are now supported. These demos use minimal hardware to generate sound and/or video, relying on precise CPU timings to work. With this release, every hand-held LCD game from Nintendo’s Game & Watch and related lines is supported in MAME, with Donkey Kong Hockey bringing up the rear. Also of note is the Bassmate Computer fishing aid, made by Nintendo and marketed by Telko and other companies, which is clearly based on the dual-screen Game & Watch design. The steady stream of TV games hasn’t stopped, with a number of French releases from Conny/VideoJet among this month’s batch.
For the first time ever, games running on the Barcrest MPU4 video system are emulated well enough to be playable. Titles that are now working include several games based on the popular British TV game show The Crystal Maze, Adders and Ladders, The Mating Game, and Prize Tetris. In a clear win for MAME’s modular architecture, the breakthrough came through the discovery of a significant flaw in our Motorola MC6840 Programmable Timer Module emulation that was causing issues for the Fairlight CMI IIx synthesiser. In the same manner, the Busicom 141-PF desk calculator is now working, thanks to improvements made to Intel 4004 CPU emulation that came out of emulating the INTELLEC 4 development system and the prototype 4004-based controller board for Flicker pinball. The Busicom 141-PF is historically significant, being the first application of Intel’s first microprocessor.
Fans of classic vector arcade games are in for a treat this month. Former project coordinator Aaron Giles has contributed netlist-based sound emulation for thirteen Cinematronics vector games: Space War, Barrier, Star Hawk, Speed Freak, Star Castle, War of the Worlds, Sundance, Tail Gunner, Rip Off, Armor Attack, Warrior, Solar Quest and Boxing Bugs. This resolves long-standing issues with the previous simulation based on playing recorded samples. Colin Howell has also refined the sound emulation for Midway’s 280-ZZZAP and Gun Fight.
V.Smile joystick inputs are now working for all dumped cartridges, and with fixes for ROM bank selection the V.Smile Motion software is also usable. The accelerometer-based V.Smile Motion controller is not emulated, but the software can all be used with the standard V.Smile joystick controller. Another pair of systems with inputs that now work is the original Macintosh (128K/512K/512Ke) and Macintosh Plus. These systems’ keyboards are now fully emulated, including the separate numeric keypad available for the original Macintosh, the Macintosh Plus keyboard with integrated numeric keypad, and a few European ISO layout keyboards for the original Macintosh. There are still some emulation issues, but you can play Beyond Dark Castle with MAME’s Macintosh Plus emulation again.
In other home computer emulation news, MAME’s SAM Coupé driver now supports a number of peripherals that connect to the rear expansion port, a software list containing IRIX hard disk installations for SGI MIPS workstations has been added, and tape loading now works for the Specialist system (a DIY computer designed in the USSR).
Of course, there’s far more to enjoy, and you can read all about it in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page. (For brevity, promoted V.Smile software list entries and new Barcrest MPU4 clones made up from existing dumps have been omitted here.)

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Merged pull requests

submitted by cuavas to cade [link] [comments]

MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219 arrives today, just in time for the end of February! This month we’ve got another piece of Nintendo Game & Watch history – Pinball – as well as a quite a few TV games, including Dream Life Superstar, Designer’s World, Jenna Jameson’s Strip Poker, and Champiyon Pinball. The previously-added Care Bears and Piglet’s Special Day TV games are now working, as well as the big-endian version of the MIPS Magnum R4000. As always, the TV games vary enormously in quality, from enjoyable titles, to low-effort games based on licensed intellectual properties, to horrible bootlegs using blatantly copied assets. If music/rhythm misery is your thing, there’s even a particularly bad dance mat game in there.
On the arcade side, there are fixes for a minor but long-standing graphical issue in Capcom’s genre-defining 1942, and also a fairly significant graphical regression in Seibu Kaihatsu’s Raiden Fighters. Speaking of Seibu Kaihatsu, our very own Angelo Salese significantly improved the experience in Good E-Jan, and speaking of graphics fixes, cam900 fixed some corner cases in Data East’s innovative, but little-known, shoot-’em-up Boogie Wings. Software list additions include the Commodore 64 INPUT 64 collection (courtesy of FakeShemp) and the Spanish ZX Spectrum Load’N’Run collection (added by ICEknight). New preliminary CPU cores and disassemblers include IBM ROMP, the NEC 78K family, Samsung KS0164 and SSD Corp’s Xavix 2.
As always, you can get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

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