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BUSHMASTER - The Omnic Vigilante

This is only my second idea on this forum, so it will take refining for Bushmaster to be a good hero, but I thought that this was such a cool, original idea and it stood out from the other heroes in the game, whilst adding an entire different play style and a cool new perspective on the lore of Overwatch, that I had to write it. Fair warning: this is long.


Codename: Bushmaster
Real name: NB-04 (formerly), Nebanya
Age: 39
Nationality: Nicaraguan
Occupation: Vigilante
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None
If there was one thing Maximillien despised more than Talon, it was humans. He hated them. Their bodies and minds were weak, they fought pettily, they formed useless emotional attachments. Recently, this had spread to some of his fellow omnics as well. Mondatta. Zenyatta. Those machines had turned their back on their kind, tried to join the humans. Them, and all others like them, were weak.
And if there was one thing Maximillien understood, it was strength. He despised Talon, but it was an organisation that made him money, gave him wealth. And through wealth, came strength. Maximillien had built himself up from nothing, his casino up from nothing. He was shunned, his kind discriminated against by those touched by the Omnic Crisis so many years before. And yet, Maximillien had persevered. Had continued. It had been hard, and he had lost more than he won, but now he was at the top, and he knew that he was there to last.
Maximillien strode through his casino's hallways, to the one that ended in a door with his name printed on it. He entered his office, security trailing after him. His office was a small room, with no windows. Book cases lined all the walls except the one the door was on. His desk was in the middle of the room, so he sat facing the door. A fancy chair sat behind it. Maximillien had no need for comfort, but expensive things communicated status, and power, and he very much had need for both of those.
As he sat down at his desk, he noticed his security detail was different than usual. He was normally accompanied by two snivelling humans, one named Jackson and the other named Smith. But Jackson was not there; a new person had taken his place. His face was impassive, eyes masked by his sunglasses, blonde hair combed back. He looked like an identical clone to Jackson, right off the factory line, but Maximillien could tell this was not the same person. It was in the way he carried himself. Smith and Jackson had always been ready to cower. Maximillien had seem them in combat; they were not afraid to put themselves on the line, but they were afraid of him. He liked that. He did not like this new person in Jackson's place.
"Where is Jackson?" Maximillien asked, voice level.
If he felt surprise, or shock, or anything at all, the impostor's face did not betray it. "He's indisposed."
"What does indisposed mean?" Maximillien asked.
"He didn't come in to work today. I was assigned to replace him." The impostor's voice was tight. Maximillien knew he was making this man nervous.
Maximillien leaned back in his chair. If his face allowed him to smile, he definitely would've. He enjoyed watching the impostor squirm, afraid of what he might do. Maximillien had once killed a guard's entire family, and then the guard himself, for slacking on the job one time. Maximillien would not hesitate to do that to someone again. "Do you know what I think?" He asked.
"No, sir."
"I think that humans are weak-willed. I hate the lot of you. Your bodies are easily killed, and your minds are even easier broken. Surrounding myself around your kind is hard, but it is worth it for the power."
The impostor looked at him, and smiled slightly. "Of course, sir."
Maximillien sighed. "You're here to kill me aren't you? You didn't honestly think it would work, surely?"
The impostor shrugged. "Actually, it was rather easy." His arm suddenly shot out, a black cloud swarming around his hand, and an impossibly large hammer smashed into Smith's chest before he could react, sending him flying into the wall, dead instantly. Maximillien scrambled for the panic button hidden under his desk, but the impostor's other arm stretched out, stretched out impossibly long, and he pushed Maximillien from across the room, shoving him into the bookcase behind him. The impostor's other arm grabbed the desk and moved it effortlessly to the side of the room, leaving a clear path to Maximillien.
Maximillien stared in horror as the impostor's skin began to change. The black cloud was swarming him now, swarming his clothes, and when it retreated, it revealed a yellow and green omnic standing in front of him, staring straight at him. At the end of his left arm was the head of a mechanical snake, yellow light spilling out of its open mouth. His right hand swarmed with the same black cloud that had covered him earlier, and his omnic body was covered with green and yellow rags, almost like the clothes of a monk. "Do you like me now, Maximillien?"
Maximillien stuttered for the first time in his life when he spoke. "Wh-what are you?"
The omnic could not smile, but it tilted its head knowingly. "I am Bushmaster." The snake on the omnic's left arm shot out, clamping its jaws around Maximillien's neck and biting down, until Maximillien powered down, no more. The snake returned to Bushmaster's arm, and he chuckled softly. "So long, Maximillien."
The door burst open as Security poured in, already firing at Bushmaster, but the omnic simply dissolved into a black cloud, and flew down the hallway, weaving around and through people, before disappearing out of the casino and into the night.
Bushmaster was created 9 years before the Omnic Crisis. He was an experiment by the Nicaragua government to see if they could harness an entirely new type of technology in the production of the omnic. Bushmaster, originally named NB-04, is comprised entirely of tens of thousands of nano-bots ruled by a single hive-mind; the consciousness that makes up Bushmaster. For the first nine years of his life, he was cared for by the scientists that created him. Yes, they wanted to test his capabilities, but they also knew he was an intelligence equal to that of a human's himself, and they made sure to teach him good qualities and how to be a decent person. He loved them as if they were his biological parents.
NB-04 was still a child by omnic standards, learning how to harness his abilities and take advantage of his unique composition, when his entire facility was destroyed during the devastation of Managua. Omnics swept through, destroying the city and murdering hundreds of thousands of people, in one of the biggest losses of human life during a single battle in the Omnic Crisis. NB-04's parents, the scientists that had been guiding him, were gone. This was the first time NB-04 felt something; grief.
The God Program in charge of the omnics attempted to convert NB-04 to their cause, or at least learn how his unique 'robiology' worked, but they were unable to as his will was too strong. In the ensuing fight, NB-04 got his signature facial scar. NB-04 fled the remnants of Managua, and soon had fled the country entirely. He found himself in Europe after stowing away on a plane, but was disturbed to find that Europe's situation was also bad. NB-04 spent the rest of the Omnic Crisis lost and aimless, wondering who he was and if he had a purpose to exist.
But after the Omnic Crisis had come to an end, NB-04 found himself among the Shambali. They named him Nebanya, and attempted to teach him to accept himself and make peace with his past and what happened to him. During this time Nebanya befriended another young student, Zenyatta. Zenyatta and Nebanya did everything together, but Nebanya found himself unable to believe in the Shambali's belief that they would need to bring about change passively. Nebanya firmly thought that action, even action deemed evil by the Shambali, was the only way to bring about the change they wanted. Nebanya parted ways with the Shambali and Zenyatta, and took the name of one of the most venomous pit vipers from Nicaragua; the Bushmaster. After hearing about the second Omnic Crisis in Russia, Bushmaster came to believe that Talon was responsible, and became an international vigilante willing to kill anyone or do anything in order to bring down Talon. Sometimes, even the Iris needs someone to get the job done.
Bushmaster appears as an omnic like Zenyatta, but instead of floating around he walks. His metal is dark green, unlike the silver of other Omnics, and his eyes are bright yellow. His left arm does not have a hand, but instead a mechanical snake head with glowing yellow eyes that emanates yellow light from its mouth. His right arm swarms with the dark cloud of nano-bots that compose his body. He wears robes that appear visually similar to those of a buddhist monk's, but his are dark yellow and clearly very dirty/ragged. Bushmaster has lots of dirt and scuff on his body and his robes, and a deep claw mark on his face.
Bushmaster is not exactly a chill dude. He is always on edge, ready for the next battle. He also burns with the desire to see Talon destroyed, and as such he dislikes anything he perceives as time-wasting or procrastinating. He may come across to some people as basically a big asshole, but truthfully he's actually a nice-ish person; he's just extremely focused on his goal. He does not take pleasure in murder, but he does recognise that death and killing is a necessary part of a peaceful world, and he does not have much of a problem with innocent lives being lost for the greater good.Although Bushmaster could easily heal his scar from fighting the Omnics in Managua, he keeps it as a reminder of his past life and failures, and as motivation to not fail in his current mission. He speaks with a thick Nicaraguan accent, in a deep, gravelly but still robotic sounding voice.

Basic Info:

Health: 200
Class: Damage
Difficulty: 3 stars
Hitbox size: Medium, around the same as Soldier's
Movement Speed: 6.5 m/s
Role: Focusing down and eliminating powerful enemies, versatility


Primary: Nano Stream
Bushmaster pushes his right palm against the air, causing a stream of nano-bots, which appear as a dark cloud, to break off from his main body and fly towards his target. This attack drains his health upon firing, and replenishes it upon reloading.
Type: Projectile
Damage: 9 damage per tick
Rate of fire: Continuous stream - 10 ticks of damage per second
Projectile speed: 80 m/s
Range: Falloff to 6 damage after 15 metres, then no falloff until 50 metres, after which his shots simply dissipate and do not do damage
Ammo: When Bushmaster fires, he does not use ammo. Instead, he drains nano-bots from his health pool. He takes 1 point of damage for every 2 ticks fired. Upon reloading, all health he lost from firing is returned to him.
Reload time: 1 second
Reload Appearance: Bushmaster curls his palm into a fist, causing all the nano-bots that left him to return to his fist and rejoin the main body. When bushmaster opens his fist again, it crackles with green energy.
Headshots: No
Notes: If Bushmaster is healed after firing, then upon reloading he is only healed as much as he still can be and the extra health is discarded. If he is at full health, then all surplus health is discarded. Bushmaster cannot kill himself by firing, but he can lower his health as far 1 health.
Voice lines:
"A necessary death."
"You deserved that."
"You cannot beat me."


How Poison Damage Works:
Bushmaster's Abilities and his Ultimate deal poison damage. When an enemy or ally is poisoned, they appear with a greenish tinge and green bubbles trail off of them before bursting into the sky. When you are poisoned, the corners of your screen take on a greenish tinge and your health bar appears green. Poison can be cured by healing.
Damage: Affected takes 10 damage a second + 15% extra damage from all attacks
Length: Poison damage lasts for 6 seconds, but that time is reset if the enemy is poisoned again
Healing: Bushmaster heals 5 damage per second for every enemy poisoned, being able to heal up to 30 damage a second theoretically.
Notes: Poison damage does not stack. Being poisoned multiple times in succession only causes the amount of time before the poison expires to reset. Poison damage contributes towards ultimate progression by 10 points being added per every 10 damage poison deals. Turrets and other items placed by enemy players cannot be poisoned. If you are healed, the poison effect is removed as soon as any health effect happens.
Passive: Shapeshifter
When Bushmaster deals the killing blow to a poisoned enemy, he temporarily becomes that enemy; he gains their appearance, abilities, weapons, the whole shebang. However, whilst he is assuming an enemy's form he cannot be healed, and he cannot access an enemy's ultimate. When he dies in this form, he returns to being Bushmaster, with the same amount of health he had as when he began assuming that enemy's form. He can return to being Bushmaster at any time by pressing the ultimate button.
Notes: Bushmaster’s ultimate charges passively while shapeshifted. He does not gain combat ultimate while shapeshifted. He does however gain 50 points of ult every time he shapeshifts. He cannot shapeshift again while already shapeshifted, but he can if he resumes normal form.
Voice lines (in the voice of the character he became):
"Interesting anatomy..."
"I can work with this."
(Allies hear) "Shifted form!"
Ability 1: Bushmaster's Bite
Bushmaster's snake hand shoots forward, nano-bots forming a snake body so it is still attached to Bushmaster's arm. The snake head bites an enemy, before returning to its normal position on Bushmaster's arm. Bushmaster can use Nano Stream at the same time as Bushmaster's Bite. Bushmaster's Bite also deals poison damage.
Type: Projectile, similar in nature to Roadhog's
Damage: 40 damage + Poison damage
Projectile speed: 40 m/s
Range: 30 metres
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Headshots: No
Notes: NA
Voice lines:
"A plague upon you!"
"The bite of the Bushmaster!"
Ability 2: Forward Flight
Bushmaster dissolves into an intangible cloud of nano-bots and torpedoes forward through the air, poisoning any enemy he goes through, before reforming.
Distance/Speed: Bushmaster shoots forward 20 metres at a speed of 48 m/s.
Damage: When Bushmaster passes through an enemy, he poisons then.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Notes: For Bushmaster it appears as if he just teleported forward or moved forward very quickly. For his allies and enemies, the same, but he leaves behind a trail of nano-bots and crackles with yellow energy when he is moving with it. This ability is mechanically more similar to Genji's dash than, say Transcendence or Moira's ability.
Ultimate: Poison Cloud
Bushmaster explodes in a cloud of poisonous nano-bots, inflicting all enemies with special poison that does normal effects and prevents healing. All allies in the same radius with the ability to deal poison damage with their primaries. Bushmaster reforms, also able to deal poison damage with his primary.
Duration: Bushmaster and his allies deal poison damage for 6 seconds
Charge-up: Poison Cloud requires 1700 ultimate points
Range: Poison Cloud effects a 20 metre diameter in a circle around where Bushmaster is standing. It goes through barriers and solid objects.
Reform time: Bushmaster reforms after half a second of being intangible.
Notes: Bushmaster does not die or take damage from exploding. The Poison Cloud does not continuously re-poison enemies for 6 seconds, only allies or Bushmaster can do that with their poison-dealing primaries. The poison from the poison cloud does prevent healing for 6 seconds, but regular poison (Bushmaster's bite, Forward flight, and poison dealt by allies and Bushmaster in the Cloud's radius) does not.
Voice lines:
(Enemies/Bushmaster hear) "Para mi gente!" (Spanish for "For my people.")
(Allies hear) "Poison deployed!"


Grass Green (Rare): Bushmaster's robe is recoloured dark green, whilst his metallic skin is recoloured yellow.
Ocean Blue (Rare): Bushmaster's robe is recoloured blue.
Blood Red (Rare): Bushmaster's robe is recoloured red.
Fiery Orange (Rare): Bushmaster's robe is recoloured bright orange.
Monk (Epic): Bushmaster appears clean, without any dirt stains on his robe or body. His scar is also gone, and his metal is more glossy.
Snake Skin (Epic): Bushmaster's robes take on a scaly pattern, as if they were made from snakeskin.
Pit Viper (Legendary): Bushmaster's robes are replaced with black military combat gear. His snake hand is replaced with a hand visually similar to Brigitte's rocket flail, but more mace-like. A multitude of grenades emanating red light are strapped to his belt, and red light emanates from a variety of glowing lights on his uniform. He wears a real, snakeskin yellow and green Bushmaster's head over his omnic head, giving the appearance that he has a snake head.
Military (Legendary): Pit Viper's black military gear is changed to camouflage, with the red lights changed to yellow. The Bushmaster headpiece's colours are changed to red and black instead of yellow and green.
Unstable (Legendary): Bushmaster wears no clothes, instead is just his robot body. His snake hand is changed to a regular hand with a yellow light glowing from its palm. His metal is changed to gunmetal grey, and his body is struggling to stay together; random parts of it dissolve into nano-bots or 'glitch out', before reforming again.
Infernal (Legendary): Unstable, but his metal is changed to dark red, as is his cloud of nano-bots. His hand that emanates yellow light is changed to emanating orange light.
Funnel Web (Legendary/Halloween): Bushmaster takes on the appearance of a giant humanoid spider. His head is changed to having two fangs protruding from it, and black hairs cover his entire body. His (eight) eyes glow green. His snake hand is changed to a barb that glows green at the end. He has an extra pair of legs behind his first pair, both of which take on the appearance of a spider's legs. His right hand has four barbs and barb-thumb-thing instead of fingers. His nano-bot cloud is white, like a spider's web, and when he fires it appears as if he is shooting a funnel web at his enemies.
God Program (Legendary/Anniversary): Bushmaster's face is one giant blue LED. His metal is changed to brown, with silver trim. His snake hand is replaced with what looks like a sort of hexagonal cannon, emanating blue light. His right hand is a claw hand. When he dissolves into nano-bots, blue energy crackles between them.
Voice Lines:
"I don't believe playing dirty exists. In war, all is fair."
"In every Great War, sacrifices have been made. Today is no different."
"I am the magnum opus of Omnic evolution."
"Feeling queasy?"
"It doesn't matter how many people I've killed. What matters is what cause I serve."
"You are weak compared to me."
"The bite of the bushmaster is more dangerous than any other snake."
"The Shambali were misguided. I am not."
"Absolute focus."
"Feel my venom."
"Yes, it is the real Bushmaster."
"No distractions, only goals."
"What do you mean, ceasefire?"
"Do you feel in control?"
Heroic: Bushmaster points his snake hand forward, stilling the rest of his body.
Want some?: Bushmaster puts his hands out, beckoning people to come and fight him.
Stillness: Bushmaster sits down and meditates. Small clouds of nano-bots swirl around him.
Clones: A second Bushmaster materialises out of thin air (via nano-bots). Then a third, then a fourth. This keeps going until there are 8 Bushmasters, all looking around, surprised, before all of them rejoin the original Bushmaster.
Heroic: Bushmaster raises his snake hand, pointing it at something to the side of the camera.
Explosion: Bushmaster explodes in a poisonous wave, before slowly materialising in front of the camera.
Snake: The entire camera is filled with yellow light, before the camera pulls back to reveal Bushmaster pointing his snake hand at the camera. Bushmaster cocks his head, then punches the camera with his snake hand (camera goes slow-mo just before impact).
Nano-bot: Bushmaster looks at the camera and salutes, before dematerialising.
Character Interactions:
Regular Voice Lines:
Upon being Nano-boosted: "Focus leads to strength!"
Start of the game: "Now is the time for action."
During set-up: "When they arrive, we will be ready."
"Pain is not my normal teacher."
"Failure is unacceptable."
"I must complete my mission."
On fire:
"As expected."
"Focus brings results."
Voted Epic:
"Do not forget the mission."
Voted Legendary:
"I am the Bushmaster."
"Who dares challenge me?"
Interactions with Reaper:
Reaper: "You're the one that killed Maximillien."
Bushmaster: "Someday, I'm going to kill you."
Reaper: "I've been killed before."
Bushmaster: "You are from Talon, yes?
Reaper: "It's only part-time."
Bushmaster: "You better hope so."
Upon killing Reaper: "One down."
Interactions with Doomfist:
Bushmaster: "How did I end up here?"
Doomfist: "Do you mean working with Talon?"
Bushmaster: "I mean dealing with the devil."
Doomfist: "You will be dealt with, in time."
Bushmaster: "I can't be killed."
Doomfist: "That won't be an issue."
Upon killing Doomfist: "My mission is not over... yet."
Interactions with Zenyatta:
Bushmaster: "My friend... it has been too long. How are the shambali?"
Zenyatta: "I have long since left them behind, Nebanya."
Bushmaster: "So you have joined me in the war?"
Zenyatta: "Not quite."
Zenyatta: "Oh, Nebanya... You have lost your way."
Bushmaster: "That's where you're wrong, Zenyatta. I've never felt more purpose."
Zenyatta: "This isn't who you are."
Upon killing Zenyatta: "I wish it hadn't ended this way, old friend."

Update Notes:

Version 1.2 - 6/09/12
-Removed No Distractions - replaced with Focus Flight
-Nano Stream details clarified
-General description clarifications
Version 1.3 - 7/09/12
-Added clearer ability descriptions
-Rebalanced Poison Cloud slightly
-Nerfed Poison damage slightly
Version 1.4 8/09/12
-Seriously nerfed primary
So that's my idea for Bushmaster. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I'm excited to hear what you have to say.
submitted by TheReal_FirePyre to OverwatchHeroConcepts [link] [comments]

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